
Panel discussion:

Hypermedia, Internet and virtual physics: Why and how should they influence physics teaching?

Examples for the topics of the panel discussion

Hypermedia / Multimedia / CD-ROM

CUPLE (Comprehensive Unified Physics Learning Environment) (internet-link: "")

Software Teaching of Modular Physics (SToMP)(internet-link: "")

Multimedia Motion (The Physics of Motion on CD-ROM). Cambridge Science Media.

Encarta'95 (MS "Complete Interactive Multimedia Encyclopia") freely distributed with Windows 95.


Information Sources

The Internet Pilot To Physics(internet-link: "")

Physics Around the World (Physics Resources All Over the World)(internet-link: "")

Physics Around the World. Education and Online Material(internet-link: "")

The Living Encyclopedia of Physics (TIPTOP/LEP)(internet-link: "")

Physics FAQ (from the USENET group sci.physics)(internet-link: "")

Infos and additional Material to Physics Software

Interactive Physics (a complete mechanics course with movies)(internet-link: "")

MUPPET (Univ. of Maryland)(internet-link: "")

Physics Academic Software (internet-link: "")

Journals and Newsletters

Computers in Physics (American Institute of Physics (AIP))(internet-link: "")

Computer in Physics Education (CPE) Newsletter . CTI Physics Centre, Univ. of Surrey.(internet-link: "")

Online Courses and Texts

fun@learning.physics (by Mark Sutherland).(internet-link: "")

Computational Science Education Project (Electronic book. Vanderbilt Univ.).(internet-link: "")

Engineering Science (ES130) CIEE Vanderbilt University.(internet-link: "")

Physics Unbound (A physics Textbook maintained by Mark Lindeman)(internet-link: "")

Special Systems

The Exploratorium: A Museum of Science, Art and Human Perception(internet-link: "")

Virtual Libraries

The internet public library (i.e. Science & Technology, Physics)(internet-link: "")

CERN WWW Virtual Library Physics: (internet-link: "")

Online Materials (Filmloops, Movies, Overheads, Videos)

Brown Univ:(internet-link: "")

Good Starting Points

Nevada Univ. Dept. of physics in Las Vegas (internet-link: "")

PhysicsEd: Physics Education Resources. (Univ. of Washington)(internet-link: "")

Virtual Physics

Virtual Physics Laboratory. Univ. Houston.(internet-link: "")

The Virtual Laboratory (JAVA-Simulations and movies)(internet-link: "")

The Earthweb's GAMELAN JAVA Directory (42 entries for physics)(internet-link: "")

The Electronics Laboratory Simulator (ELS). CIEE Vanderbilt University. (internet-link: "")

The Virtual Lab: Engineering the Future (Electrical and Computer Engineering. Carnegie Mellon)(internet-link: "")


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Updated: August 14, 1996

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CUPLE (Comprehensive Unified Physics Learning Environment) (

Software Teaching of Modular Physics (SToMP)(

The Internet Pilot To Physics(

Physics Around the World (Physics Resources All Over the World)(

Physics Around the World. Education and Online Material(

The Living Encyclopedia of Physics (TIPTOP/LEP)(

Physics FAQ (from the USENET group sci.physics)(

Interactive Physics (a complete mechanics course with movies)(

MUPPET (Univ. of Maryland)(

Physics Academic Software (

Computers in Physics (American Institute of Physics (AIP))(

Computer in Physics Education (CPE) Newsletter . CTI Physics Centre, Univ. of Surrey.(

fun@learning.physics (by Mark Sutherland).(

Computational Science Education Project (Electronic book. Vanderbilt Univ.).(

Engineering Science (ES130) CIEE Vanderbilt University.(

Physics Unbound (A physics Textbook maintained by Mark Lindeman)(

The Exploratorium: A Museum of Science, Art and Human Perception(

The internet public library (i.e. Science & Technology, Physics)(

CERN WWW Virtual Library Physics: (

Brown Univ:(

Nevada Univ. Dept. of physics in Las Vegas (

PhysicsEd: Physics Education Resources. (Univ. of Washington)(

Virtual Physics Laboratory. Univ. Houston.(

The Virtual Laboratory (JAVA-Simulations and movies)(

The Earthweb's GAMELAN JAVA Directory (42 entries for physics)(

The Electronics Laboratory Simulator (ELS). CIEE Vanderbilt University. (

The Virtual Lab: Engineering the Future (Electrical and Computer Engineering. Carnegie Mellon)(